Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Dive Bar

It looked dark enough and Sissy figured that no one here would recognize him with all the makeup and the wig!!!! He went in and sat in a darkened corner.....when the waitress approached he saw that she knew  right away....women always do....
"What'll it be......Miss?"
"I'd like a vodka martini please....with two olives...."
"We usually only sell beers and shots....I'll see if Randy knows how to make one!!!"
When she left Sissy had time to look around after her eyes had adjusted to the dark....she smiled at the two men eying her from the bar....
And that was all it took!!!!
When the waitress returned with her drink she just nodded and put it on the table....
"You can settle up with me when you're....done....Miss!"

1 comment:

  1. Now that is an establishment it would be fun to stumble into....

